Grants: Application Process
Step 1: Assess Eligibility and Fit
An applicant must meet the following criteria:
- Be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code or have a fiscal sponsor that has 501(c)(3) status and provides written authorization confirming its willingness to act as the fiscal sponsor.
- Engage in work that aligned with the Foundation's mission and priority areas.
Step 2: Letter of Inquiry
The Foundation only accepts invited proposals. If you feel your work is aligned with the Foundation’s interests and would like to explore partnership opportunities please contact the Foundation to discuss an invitation to submit a Letter of Inquiry. If you are invited to submit a Letter of Inquiry, please click on the link below to log in to the Foundation's online application process. First time applicants will need to create a new account.
Step 3: Full Proposal
The Frankel Family Foundation only accepts invited proposals. A full proposal should not be submitted without an invitation from the Foundation. If you have not been invited to submit a full proposal, please submit a Letter of Inquiry.
Directions for submitting a full proposal will be included in the proposal invitation letter and in the online proposal application process. Proposals are submitted online and must include all requested information.
Proposals will be reviewed when submitted by the due date specified in the invitation letter. After an initial proposal review process, phone interviews and site visits will be conducted with a smaller group of organizations. Grant decisions are made in November and organizations will be notified about the status of their proposal prior to the end of the year.