Grants: Grantmaking Guidelines
The Foundation has one grant cycle per year and only accepts invited proposals. It is important to review our grantmaking guidelines and grant application process for information about what we fund, our grant cycle process and how to apply.
You may also review our grant list to see the previous grants we have made.
Relationship to the Foundations's Priority Areas and Mission
We seek to partner with organizations whose missions and/or projects are clearly aligned with the Foundation's mission and grantmaking priority areas. On occasion, the Foundation may invite proposals from organizations working outside its stated priority areas.
Types Of Grants and Amounts
The Frankel Family Foundation awards grants ranging from $15,000 - $100,000. Multi-year requests will be considered when rationale is provided.
The Frankel Family Foundation provides the following types of grants:
- General Operating
- Project or Program
- Capacity Building
- Capital Campaigns
The Frankel Family Foundation does not fund:
- Campaigns to elect candidates for political office
- Grants to individuals or non 501(c)(3) organizations
- Debt reduction
Grant Cycles
The Frankel Family Foundation has one grant cycle per year that launches in June. The Foundation only accepts invited proposals which must be received by the date and time specified in an invitation letter.
Grant decisions are made in November. The Foundation may make discretionary grants on a rolling basis at the direction of the Board.
The Letter of Inquiry
The Frankel Family Foundation only accepts invited proposals. If you feel your work is aligned with the Foundation’s interests and would like to explore partnership opportunities please contact the Foundation to discuss an invitation to submit a Letter of Inquiry.
Grant Review and Reporting Process
Every year the Foundation will invite proposals from a small group of organizations. They will be due on a date which will be specified in the invitation letter. Once received, proposals will be reviewed and then phone interviews and sites visits will be conducted with a smaller group of organizations. Grantmaking decisions are made in November and organizations will be notified about the status of their proposal prior to the end of the year.
At the conclusion of the grant, funded organizations will be expected to submit a financial and program report. Specific information regarding reporting requirements will be outlined in grant award letters.
You can download a copy of our Grantmaking Guidelines here
Grantmaking Guidelines.pdf (PDF File, download PDF Reader Here)